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Guide to resources in physics and astronomy at EIU's Booth Library

Browse the bookstacks

Books are organized and shelved by subject in the library. Browsing the shelves in these call number areas will introduce you to books in Physics and Astronomy. Find science books on the 1000 Level: view map.

Newly arrived physics and astronomy books can be found under these call number ranges on the new book shelves adjacent to the Research Help desk on the 3000 Level: view map.

Use the Booth Library Online Catalog to locate titles on a specific subject, for example: Statics.

Subject area Call number
Science, general Q
Analytic mechanics QA801-QA939
Astronomy QB
      Practical and spherical astronomy QB140-QB237
      Theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics QB349-QB421
      Astrophysics QB460-QB466
      Descriptive astronomy, Solar system, Stars QB495-QB903
      Cosmogony, Cosmology QB980-QB991
Physics, general QC1-QC75
      Weights and measures QC81-QC114
      Descriptive and experimental mechanics QC120-QC168
      Atomic physics, Constitution and properties of matter (including
       molecular physics, relativity, quantum theory, and solid state physics)
      Acoustics, Sound QC221-QC246
      Heat, Thermodynamics QC251-QC338
      Optics, Light QC350-QC467
      Radiation QC474-QC496
      Electricity and magnetism QC501-QC766
      Nuclear and particle physics QC770-QC798
      Geophysics, Cosmic physics QC801-QC809
      Geomagnetism QC811-QC849
Electrical engineering and Electronics TK1-TK9971
      Electric meters TK301-TK399
      Electric apparatus and materials, Electric circuits, Electric networks TK452-TK454.4
      Production of electric energy or power, Powerplants TK1001-TK1841
      Production of electricity by direct energy conversion TK2896-TK2985
      Distribution or transmission of electric power TK3001-TK3521
      Telecommunication, including telegraphy, telephone, radio, radar, television TK5101-TK6720
      Electronics TK7800-TK8360
            Computer engineering, Computer hardware TK7885-TK7895
            Photoelectronic devices TK8300-TK8360
      Electricity for amateurs TK9900-TK9971
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