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Citation Management Software

This guide introduces two freely available citation managers, Mendeley and Zotero, that enable organization and formatting of citations.

Which tool is right for me?

Zotero and Mendeley are both free citation managers with software that you can download and use to curate your personal library of references. Both tools offer web-based access to your library; simply log in to your account at or To use all features of the citation manager, and in order to use the word processor plugin to format citations, you must download the desktop software for Zotero or Mendeley.

Here are a few other things to consider before you make your choice:

  Zotero Mendeley
Free storage capacity 300 MB 2 GB
Browser compatibility Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari Chrome, Firefox
Word processor compatibility Microsoft Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice Microsoft Word
Access from cloud Yes Yes
Mobile capability iOS and Android - Zotero Bookmarklet and third-party apps (primarily save items to your library - use desktop Zotero for full features) iOS and Android (primarily read and annotate papers, no citation formatting - use Mendeley Desktop for full features)
Add item by identifying number arXivID, DOI, ISBN, PubMed ID arXivID, DOI, PubMed ID
Open source software Yes No
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