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Most article databases allow you to save your search history to return to later or create folders to hold articles.
You can create email alerts when new articles on your topic appear. You can also set up Table of Contents alert services for individual journals via publisher websites.
These accounts are separate from and not linked with any of your EIU or Booth Library accounts.
Questions about this process? Ask your CDS librarian, Kirstin Duffin. Her contact information is in the left-hand column of this page. Individual and group consultations are welcome!
In EBSCO databases: Click on Sign In and create an account to use these features.
**Caution** If you are not signed in, you are still able to add articles to folders. When you close your browser, you will lose access to this content. Sign in every time you want to add and save articles to your folders.
In PubMed: Click on Sign in to NCBI.
In Google Scholar: Sign in to your account and go to My library.