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CDS Graduate Students, Library Resources

Guide to resources in Communication Disorders and Sciences at EIU's Booth Library

Browse the Bookstacks

The Library of Congress Classification System arranges books by Subject, so browsing the shelves in these call number areas will introduce you to the collection in Communication Disorders & Sciences. Find CDS books on the 1000 Level: view map.

Use the Booth Library Online Catalog to locate titles on specific subjects, for example: Motor Speech Disorders.

Subject area Call number
Communicative disorders RC423-RC428.8
Language disorders RC423-RC428.5
Speech disorders RC423-RC428.5
Stuttering RC424
Cluttering RC424.5
Articulation disorders (Dysarthria) RC424.7
Aphasia RC425-RC425.7
Swallowing disorders (Deglutition disorders; Dysphagia) RC815.2
Hearing disorders RF290-RF310
Voice disorders RF510-RF540
Ingestion disorders (Dysphagia) in children RJ463.I54
Autism RJ506.A9
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