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Use one (or more!) of the below resources to locate scholarly articles in Communication Disorders and Sciences. Click through the tabs below to view all five resources and search tips for each.
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Enter your search terms. Instead of typing lots of words all in one search box, you'll get better results by splitting up your words as shown below. Use the drop-down menu to the right of each search box to limit words to the Title or Abstract, which will give you fewer but more relevant results.
Example search: r AND speech AND therapy, where /r/ must appear in the title of all results.
After you get a list of results, look above the results to find options to further refine your search. You may limit to peer reviewed articles and by publication date:
Click "All filters" to find other ways to focus your search, such as by specific research methodologies:
Contains ERIC Journals (EJ) and Eric Documents (ED)
Search the education literature for content from early childhood, K-12, college, through adult education.
A sample search is provided below. Try typing in synonyms or similar words within the same search box, using OR to separate the words. You'll find more results when using synonyms.
Example search: autism AND (diagnosis OR assessment OR screening) AND preschool
Before proceeding to your search results page, find the Advanced Search options below the search boxes. The option to limit by education level may be especially helpful:
Most articles in PubMed are peer-reviewed, so enter your search.
Example search: "articulation disorders" treatment
Access the full-text article by using the links at the top-right of the page, once you click on an individual result, as shown in the image below.
Note that, as in the example below, there may be a link to the publisher's website (e.g., Elsevier), even though the full-text article is not available from the Elsevier website. If you experience this, come back to the PubMed result and use .
Most results in Scopus are peer-reviewed, so enter your search.
Example search: "hearing screening" childhood
Results are sorted, by default, with the newest items at the top. You can change this to sort by relevance (based on your search words) or times cited (highly cited articles are typically considered more influential works).
Also notice the options to refine results in the left-hand column of the screen, including to search within your results.
Find Google Scholar's Advanced Search option in the hamburger menu at the top-left of the page. Here, you have the option to search for an exact phrase. Or try searching synonyms and related terms using "with at least one of the words." The default search is for words to occur anywhere in the article. To reduce the number of results you see, and to show more relevant results, try searching where words occur in the title of the article.
Example search: functional "speech perception"