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Biology Graduate Students, Library Resources

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Library catalog search demonstration: biological sciences eastern illinois thesis

Review the research of previous students in your lab. Electronic copies are available via the library catalog; hardcopies are available on the 2000 level of Booth Library and can be checked out. Use the Books & Movies tab on the library homepage to begin your search.

Find Books

Use the Books & Movies tab on the library homepage to begin your search.

The call number will help you find the item you want in the library, or use Locate to pull up a map indicating where the item is shelved in the library. The image below illustrates this:

Library catalog screenshot


Lower on the page, the Subjects will link you to related materials. Skim through the Description and Contents for more information about the item.

Library catalog screenshot

Your Library Account

Log in to your library account by clicking on the Your Account link at the top left of the library homepage. This allows you to:

Screenshot of library homepage

Browse the Bookstacks

The Library of Congress Classification System arranges books by Subject, so browsing the shelves in the Bookstacks (1000 Level, Booth Library) in these call number areas will introduce you to the collection in Biological Sciences.

Toggle between the tabs below to view call numbers by subclass.

Natural history (General) QH1-278.5
     General, including nature conservation, geographical distribution QH1-(199.5)
     Microscopy QH201-278.5
Biology (General) QH301-705.5
     Evolution QH359-425
     Genetics QH426-470
     Reproduction QH471-489
     Life QH501-531
     Ecology QH540-549.5
     Cytology QH573-671
     Economic biology QH705-705.5
Botany QK1-989
     General, including geographical distribution QK1-474.5
     Spermatophyta. Phanerogams QK474.8-495
          Gymnosperms QK494-494.5
          Angiosperms QK495
     Cryptogams QK504-(638)
     Plant anatomy QK640-(707)
     Plant physiology QK710-899
     Plant ecology QK900-989
Zoology QL1-991
     General, including geographical distribution QL1-355
     Invertebrates QL360-599.82
          Insects QL461-599.82
     Chordates. Vertebrates QL605-739.8
          Fishes QL614-639.8
          Reptiles and amphibians QL640-669.3
          Birds QL671-699
          Mammals QL700-739.8
     Animal behavior QL750-795
          Stories and anecdotes QL791-795
     Morphology QL799-799.5
     Anatomy QL801-950.9
     Embryology QL951-991
Human anatomy QM1-695
     General QM1-511
     Regional anatomy QM531-549
     Human and comparative histology QM550-577.8
     Human embryology QM601-695
Physiology QP1-(981)
     General, including influence of the environment QP1-345
     Neurophysiology and neuropsychology QP351-495
     Animal biochemistry QP501-801
     Experimental pharmacology QP(901)-(981)
Microbiology QR1-502
     General QR1-74.5
     Bacteria QR75-99.5
     Cyanobacteria QR99.6-99.8
     Microbial ecology QR100-130
     Microorganisms in the animal body QR171
     Immunology QR180-189.5
     Virology QR355-502
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