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Biology Graduate Students, Library Resources

About this Guide

This guide provides an overview of library resources for biology graduate students. Use the menu on the left-hand side of the page to navigate between pages.

Have additional questions? Reach out to your biology librarian! Her contact info is in the left-hand column of this page.

Need help right now?
Visit in person or call the Booth Library Research Help Desk when the library is open: 217-581-6072
Chat with a librarian any time of the day or night*: 24/7 chat
*members of our 24/7 chat consortium, including Booth Librarians and beyond, staff this service.

Meet Your Librarian

Consult with your librarian to get help with:
     - developing a research strategy,
     - selecting appropriate resources,
     - using advanced database functionality,
     - evaluating resources,
     - troubleshooting research roadblocks,
     - accessing hard to find materials,
     - deciding when you've found "enough," and
     - managing your growing list of citations and articles.
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