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Introduction to Scopus

Learn the features and functionality of the abstract and citation database Scopus.

Getting started

This guide provides an overview to the database Scopus. Use the menu on the left-hand side of the page to navigate between pages.

Start searching Scopus now

What is Scopus?

  • An abstract and citation database
  • 23,400+ peer-reviewed journals, 290+ trade publications, 850+ book series, 9.8 million+ conference papers
  • Detailed records back to 1970, with citations back to 1788
  • Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, with growing Arts & Humanities coverage (4700+ titles)

Content coverage: Number of titles indexed by broad subject area

Scopus disciplinary coverage: Social sciences, Physical sciences, Health sciences, Life sciences

Content coverage: Proportion of publishers indexed

Scopus publishers graphScopus publishers key: Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, Sage, Wolters Kluwer, Oxford University Press, Emerald, Inderscience Publishers, Cambridge University Press, Bentham Science, IEEE, and others

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