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French and Francophone Civilization and Culture

A guide to research in French and Francophone Civilization and Culture at Booth Library. How to find, access, and use the library’s resources on the topic.

Journals, Newspapers, and Databases

Booth Library has an extensive collection of full-text databases on various subjects and topics. All databases are accessible from off campus as well; just log in with your EIU netID. Think about your topic in terms of keywords, which can either be connected by AND/OR/NOT on the same line, or separated on different lines.

The complete database list is here.

Top Databases

Search results in the databases can be narrowed to provide French language results. The databases listed below will be the most useful in researching the culture and civilization of the Francophone World.

Finding French-language articles

The databases include French-language materials. To limit your search to only French-language articles, use the search options available in the databases.

An example of limiting to French-language articles in Academic Search Complete is below.

ebsco database screenshotebsco-limiter-screenshot


An example of limiting to French-language articles in Global Newsstream is below.

Global Newsstream screenshot


Selected Journals

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