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French and Francophone Civilization and Culture

A guide to research in French and Francophone Civilization and Culture at Booth Library. How to find, access, and use the library’s resources on the topic.


Reference Resources

Booth Library has a large collection of learning resources to support the study of the French and Francophone Civilization and Culture. The materials are held in the reference collection, the main book holdings, the journal collection and the online full-text databases. Books and journal articles from other libraries may be obtained using interlibrary loan.

See this guide for additional selected works held by the library on French and Francophone Civilization and Culture.

Reference resources

Reference materials help students get started with their research by providing a brief overview of the subject. Types of reference materials include encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and companions. Booth Library has reference materials in print and electronic formats. Booth Library has reference materials in print and online formats.

Several examples of reference books related to French and Francophone Civilization and Culture are listed below.

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