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LibGuides: Show, Tell, Collaborate

Resources and tips for creating multi-use, health and medical LibGuides

What is LibGuides?

LibGuides is a content management system developed by SpringShare for use in libraries.

LibGuides is the flagship in a suite of software-as-a-service products designed for libraries. LibCal, LibStaffer, LibWizard, and LibAnswers are all part of the LibApps suite.

Hosted in the cloud

Annual subscription

A space of our own

LibGuides exists outside of institutional IT. Library staff can add, edit, or delete content independent of local systems.

No special knowledge is required to create and post content.

Images and documents can be published with LibGuides

Can be customized to reflect the look and feel of your Institution (CSS knowledge required)

Even within a Library or Institutional theme, it allows for personal expression (if desired)

Works with other Systems

LibGuides works well with single sign on systems and can authenticate using LDAP, Shibboleth, SAML, CAS, SIP2, OAuth2, Google, SirsiDynix's Symphony and Horizon, or self-hosted systems.

Public interface can be customized to match the look and feel of your institution.

Can be configured to add proxy information to links

Can be configured to work with an online catalog

Can sync with office 365 and calendars

Can easily add hosted images, documents, links, embedded videos, book images and/or links that go directly to a Library’s catalog, and create search boxes for a Library’s catalog or a Journal database (e.g. EbscoHost or PubMed)

Save Time by Mapping & Copying

Allows created content (assets like books, links, and documents as well as entire boxes of information and even entire pages)  to be “copied” or “mapped” saving creators a LOT of timecartoon woman looking at a poster that says I see

  • A mapped asset will stay connected to the original one, so that whenever the original asset is updated, all mapped assets automatically will update too.

  • A copied asset will not remain connected to the original. It becomes a separate asset that can be independently updated or adjusted. Copied assets come in handy when you want to keep the majority of an asset's content but also add to or tweak existing content

Mapped assets make updating a lot less time-consuming (adjusting the original asset will globally update all other occurrences)

Booth Library
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