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Guide to resources for mathematics at EIU's Booth Library.

Browse the bookstacks

Books are organized and shelved by subject in the library. Browsing the shelves in these call number areas will introduce you to books in Mathematics. Find mathematics books on the 1000 Level: view map.

Newly arrived mathematics books can be found under these call number ranges on the new book shelves adjacent to the Research Help desk on the 3000 Level: view map.

Use the Booth Library Online Catalog to locate titles on a specific subject, for example: Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Middle school).

Subject area Call number
Mathematical logic QA9-QA10
Mathematics -- Study and teaching QA11-QA20
History of mathematics QA21-QA35
Mathematical tables QA40-QA59
Elementary mathematics and arithmetic QA141-QA145
Algebra QA150-QA184
Linear algebra; Matrices QA184-QA205
Game theory QA269
Probability and statistics QA273-QA274
Mathematical analysis QA276-QA280
Numerical analysis QA297-QA299
Calculus QA303-QA316
Functional analysis; Theory of functions QA319-QA355
Differential equations QA370-QA387
Elementary geometry QA440-QA469
Trigonometry QA531-QA538
Analytic and algebraic geometry QA551-QA581
Topology QA611-QA614
Differential geometry QA641-QA660
Applied mathematics; Operations research T57
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