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Image Searching

Tips and resources for finding, citing, and (legally) using visual sources.

Copyright and Fair Use

Unless you plan to publish or sell the work in which you are using copyrighted material, you are probably not violating the rights of any copyright holder. Proper citation and attribution also helps protect you from any unintentional misuse of copyrighted images or unintentional plagiarism. For your work in an educational setting, most of the uses of images will be within your rights. Nevertheless, we all wish to apply the rules correctly. Use the links and guidelines listed below to better inform yourself and how you can use copyrighted work.


Copyright: the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute a work

Fair use: a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material under certain circumstances without permission from the copyright holder (usually the creator), provided that the use is fair and reasonable and does not affect the market value of the original work

Public domain: freely available to the public / not subject to copyright

Copyright - general

Copyright, Checklists, Charts and Tools

Fair Use : visual arts/ images

Fair Use : checklists, charts & tools


Scholarly Work & Dissertations by Students (Columbia University)

Know Your Copy Rights chart (Association of Research Libraries, 2007)
Teaching Tools on Fair Use (College Art Association)
Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act):
U.S. Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 110 - §110(2) applies to online/distance education
TEACH Act Checklist (University of Texas Libraries) 

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