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A guide to highlight library resources related to the counseling disciplines

Finding E-Books

Booth Library offers e-books on two major platforms: SpringerLink and EBSCOhost.

You can search for books inside each database using the search box below. First, select either Spring or EBSCO. Then conduct your search. For tips on navigating either e-book platform please see below.

Navigating the SpringerLink E-Book Platform

springer link logo
Books in SpringerLink are available to multiple users simultaneously. You can download single chapters or complete books.

springer facets grabTo access e-books in SpringerLink:

  1. Select the Springer button
  2. Type in your search term (counseling, for example)
  3. Click Go.
  4. Narrow your results. In SpringerLink, you can narrow your results using the Discipline or Subdiscipline facets on the left side of your search results.
  5. If you don't see the discipline that interests you. Click on See All. You can then browse all the Disciplines or Subdisciplines.

springer limiters screengrab

Navigating the EBSCO E-Book Platform

ebscohost ebook search box sscreengrab
E-Books in EBSCO are typically only available for one patron to view at a time. Sometimes we do offer titles for three simultaneous users.


ebscohost ebook platform limiter screengrab

To access e-books in EBSCO:

1. Select EBSCO.
2. Type in your search term (for example: counseling)
3. Click Go.
4. Narrow results. Like in SpringerLink, you can narrow your results using the facets on the left. In EBSCO, you can limit your results by Subject.

5. If you don't see a Subject of interest, click on Show More.

6. To access a book, click on the title. You can then click on either the PDF or ePub full text to browse online. Or, you can download. Look where it says concurrent user level to see how many simultaneous users the books can support.

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