Flame Wars by Mark Dery (Editor)Call Number: QA76.9.C66 F55 1994
ISBN: 0822315319
Publication Date: 1994-12-27
"Flame Wars," the verbal firefights that take place between disembodied combatants on electronic bulletin boards, remind us that our interaction with the world is increasingly mediated by computers. Yet, there is more to fringe computer culture than cyberspace. Within these pages, readers will encounter flame warriors; new age mutant ninja hackers; technopagans for whom the computer is an occult engine. Here, too, is Lady El, an African American cleaning woman reincarnated as an all-powerful cyborg; the teleoperated weaponry and amok robots of the mechanical performance art group, Survival Research Laboratories; Contributors. Anne Balsamo, Gareth Branwyn, Scott Bukatman, Pat Cadigan, Gary Chapman, Erik Davis, Manuel De Landa, Mark Dery, Julian Dibbell, Marc Laidlaw, Mark Pauline, Peter Schwenger, Vivian Sobchack, Claudia Springer