Reference materials provide a general overview or data/statistics about a given topic.
Here are a few examples of our print encyclopedias relevant to higher education. They are located on the north end of the 3000 level of the library.
Encyclopedia of Law and Higher Education by Charles Russo (Editor)In light of the significance that education law occupies in the professional lives of educators, it is only natural that it plays a major role in educational leadership programs devoted to preparing leaders for both the world of higher education and K-12 schools. The centrality of education law is reflected in a study conducted on behalf of the University Council for Educational Administration revealing that education law is the second-most commonly taught subject in educational leadership programs. Further, with many universities offering a variety of courses on education law at all levels, it continues to occupy a crucial element in the curricula for educators. Despite its importance, there is a surprising dearth of readily accessible reference materials for academicians and practitioners. Thus, the Encyclopedia of Law and Higher Education fills a gap that will be of use to those in the world of higher education, whether students, faculty members, administrators, or attorneys.
Call Number: KF4225.A68 E53
ISBN: 9781412981118
Historically Black Colleges and Universities by Glenn L. Starks; F. Erik BrooksThis exhaustive analysis of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) throughout history discusses the institutions and the major events, individuals, and organizations that have contributed to their existence. The oldest HBCU, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1837 by Quaker philanthropist Richard Humphreys as the Institute for Colored Youth. By 1902, at least 85 such schools had been established and, in subsequent years, the total grew to 105. Today approximately 16 percent of America's black college students are enrolled in HBCUs. Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Encyclopedia brings the stories of these schools together in a comprehensive volume that explores the origin and history of each Historically Black College and University in the United States. Major founders and contributors to HBCUs, including whites, free blacks, churches, and states, are discussed and distinguished alumni are profiled. Specific examples of the impact of HBCUs and their alumni on American culture and the social and political history of the United States are also examined. In addition to looking at the HBCUs themselves, the book analyzes historical events and legislation of the past 174 years that impacted the founding, funding, and growth of these history-making schools. A complete timeline of events extending from the founding of the first HBCU in 1837 through the 21st century Photographs of HBCUs and key figures in their histories over a 150-year period Presidential executive orders and transcripts of major legislation that have impacted HBCUs An exhaustive list of over 1,000 prominent alumni of HBCUs and short, professional biographies of each Biographical information on major figures and organizations that have supported HBCUs A bibliography, including online resources and DVDs
Call Number: LC2781 .B755
ISBN: 9780313394157
The Gay and Lesbian Guide to College Life by John Baez; Jennifer Howd; Rachel Pepper; Princeton Review StaffFeaturing advice from students and administrators at more than seventy of the nation's top colleges, the Gay and Lesbian Guide to College Life lets you know how to how to thrive on campus as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning student. Including tons of student testimonials and dozens of parent tips, the Gay and Lesbian Guide to College Life offers no-nonsense guidance to LGBT students, their families, and allies on how to make the most of their college experience. Learn how you can: ·Find an LGBT-friendly school ·Evaluate administrative policies related to LGBT student life ·Deal with homo/bi/transphobia on campus ·Participate in LGBT student activism ·Get support for your health and safety needs ·Fully integrate yourself into the campus community
Call Number: LB2343.32 .B225
ISBN: 9780375766237
The Law of Higher Education, 2 Volume Set by William A. Kaplin; Barbara A. LeeMake sure you have a copy on your bookshelf. The Law of Higher Education, Fifth Edition, is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference, research source, and practical legal guide for college and university administrators, campus attorneys, legal counsel, and institutional researchers, addressing all the major legal issues and regulatory developments in higher education. In the increasingly litigious environment of higher education, William A. Kaplin and Barbara A. Lee's clear, cogent, and contextualized legal guide proves more and more indispensable every year. Over 3,000 new cases related to higher education have been decided since the publication of the previous edition, and scores of changes to higher education law are made each year. Every section of the fifth edition contains new material, including those related to: Hate speech and free speech rights of faculty in public universities Sharing of research with international colleagues Intellectual property and peer-to-peer file sharing Student suicide Campus safety Police and administrators' right to search students' residence hall rooms Governmental support for religious institutions and religious autonomy rights of individual public institutions Collective bargaining and antidiscrimination laws Nondiscrimination and affirmative action in employment, admissions, and financial aid Family and Medical Leave Act and workers' compensation FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)