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The discipline of Education is a huge area! If you are starting a research project within this discipline, there are many ways to begin depending on your narrower topic. However, many topics you plan to research start at the same place.

If you want to browse the shelves, Education materials will be primarily found at
  • LA.......History and Philosophy of Education
  • LB.......Theory and Practice of Education; Educational Psychology; School Administration
  • LC.......Special Education; Religious Education; Multicultural aspects; Adult Education; other topics
  • LD-LG..Institutions and Universities by country
  • LH.......College and School Magazines and Papers
  • LJ........Student fraternities and societies
  • LT........Textbooks
  • BF... ...Psychological topics related to education
  • RC.....Special Education as it relates to specific disabilities and chronic conditions
It may be more useful for you to use the library catalog first, to find at least one book about your topic. Then look for that book, paying close attention to the books around the one you found in the catalog.
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