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How to Select an Information Source

This guide will help you determine what kind of information is appropriate for the type of research and writing you need to do.

Examples of Books


Ranges from the general public to specialists and researchers


In-depth coverage of a topic; compilation of scholarly articles on a topic 

Written By:



How current the information is varies, but the most recent information in a book will usually be 1 year old or longer 


Generally a minimum of 150 pages up to to multi-volume works.


Varies from general discussion to detailed analysis; usually includes extensive bibliography 


Perspective entirely dependent on author; may be sponsored or published by professional associations 

To locate books:

  • In Booth Library or almost 100 other Illinois college libraries - use the EIU Online Catalog and I-Share.
  • Anywhere else in the world - use WorldCat. This catalog includes records for over 55 million items in libraries around the world.
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