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BIO 1500: The Scientific Method Lab - Literature Review

Introduction to searching for peer-reviewed, scholarly articles using library article databases for the scientific method laboratory assignment.

What is Get Full Text?

"Get Full Text" is a linking service that creates links from Booth Library's databases to the full text of articles and to related sources and services.

  • If a database doesn't give you the full text of an article, the "Get Full Text" button will show you if it's available in another database. 
  • If the article isn't available online, "Get Full Text" will help you locate the journal in the library catalog.
  • If Booth Library doesn't own the journal online or in print, "Get Full Text" will give you the option to retrieve the article via interlibrary loan (ILL).

How do I find it?

Most of Booth's databases work seamlessly with "Get Full Text."

Click on the Get Full Texticon to display a page that will help you find or request the item.

As an example, when you search in Academic Search Complete or any other EBSCO database, this icon will appear in the list of search results. It will also appear on the detailed display for the article (when you click the article title to view the abstract).

Image of Get Full Text within EBSCO Academic Search Complete

Other electronic databases may be set up slightly differently. For example, within Google Scholar, you'll find the link labeled "Get It @ EIU."

How does Get Full Text work?

After you click on the Get Full Texticon, you'll be taken to the library catalog page for the journal article you want.

Look under "Full Text Availability" to see if Booth Library offers a link to the full text, and click the link to get the article.  If the library owns print copies of the journal, click Check holdings to see if the library has the year and issue you need.

If no copies are available, look for the option to request the article via interlibrary loan.

Screenshot of library catalog


Click the link to reach an interlibrary loan form. The article citation information will already be filled in for you. 


Booth Library interlibrary loan form request for an article


Fill out the rest of the form completely, including the Need By date at the bottom, and click the box at the top after reading the request conditions.

After placing your request, you'll get a copy of the article via email (usually within a few days).  

How to get an article by interlibrary loan

How do I get more help?

If a link didn't work correctly or if you have other questions, the options at the bottom of the library catalog screen will connect you with a librarian who can help you.

Help options for Get Full Text


Please Ask a Librarian if you need help with "Get Full Text," searching Booth Library's databases, or any other library resource or service. You can stop by the Research Help desk during open hours, chat with us, email us, give us a call, or set up an appointment to meet with a librarian for research help.

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