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BIO 1500: The Scientific Method Lab - Literature Review

Introduction to searching for peer-reviewed, scholarly articles using library article databases for the scientific method laboratory assignment.

Finding journal articles

For this assignment, you'll explore two science-focused article databases. Try searching them both!

Toggle between Biological & Agricultural Index Plus and Scopus, below, for more information.

Biological & Agricultural Index Plus

Enter key words in the search boxes, as shown below. This is an example search.

You might also try using these search terms or other relevant terms that interest you:

  • alcohol AND physiological effects
  • heart rate AND daphnia
  • humans AND heart rate
  • heart beat AND humans AND physiology

Think about how you developed your hypothesis and use key words related to those ideas. Put each key word or phrase in a separate box to increase your results, as below:

Database screenshot with "caffeine" in the first search box AND "physiological effects" in the second search box.

Access the article

Use the Access link to pull up the full text article. If you see Access now (PDF) or Access now (Online full text), you will immediately be taken to the article. The Access options link -- "Access options" button -- may provide the PDF, Online full text, or Get Full Text. See instructions: Using "Get Full Text" to locate articles.



Enter your search terms and click Search.

Scopus screenshot of the search: stress "heart rate" humans.

On the search results page, note the options to sort results (see image below). By default, results are sorted by the newest first--that is, documents published most recently are your top results. You may want to view the most relevant at the top of your results. Use the drop-down menu in the top-right of the results page to adjust your preference.

Screenshot of Scopus database search results

You will always need to use to locate full-text articles in Scopus. See instructions: Using "Get Full Text" to locate articles.

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