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GIS (Geographic Information System) Resources

Provides library resources for studying GIS, online sources for GIS data, GIS resources available at EIU, and ideas for using GIS in the classroom.

Background Information

Wanting to find basic information about GIS? Dive into the Encyclopedia of GIS.

Also, try searching our electronic reference collection in the search box below. See results for the sample search on geographic information systems.




Browse the call number G70.212 to find many books on GIS in Booth Library.

In the library catalog, the term geographic information systems will yield books on the topic.

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Journal Articles

There are many ways GIS is applied across the disciplines. Choose from the list of subject databases below or see an A-Z list of all databases at Booth Library.

Article Databases  
Biological Sciences (see also Scopus under Multidisciplinary) Biological & Agricultural Index Plus
Business and Economics Business Source Premier
Geosciences GeoRef
Sociology Social Sciences Abstracts
Technology Applied Science & Technology Abstracts
Multidisciplinary Academic Search Ultimate

Not sure where to begin? Choose Academic Search Ultimate and try keywords like:

data mining geospatial data
digital mapping GIS
geodatabases location-based services
geographic information science mobile geographic information systems
geographic information systems spatial analysis (geography)
geographical location codes wireless geolocation systems

Browse GIS-related journals, magazines, and news

Access courtesy of Booth Library
Applied GIS -- Contains articles covering specific applications of GIS, demonstrating the deployment of spatial sciences in a wide range of environmental and social science contexts. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

Cartography and Geographic Information Science -- The official publication of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

Geoinformatica -- This journal aims to promote the most innovative results coming from the research in the field of computer science applied to geographic information systems. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

GeoJournal -- An international journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

International Journal of Digital Earth -- Publishes articles on applications to improve human conditions, protect ecological services, and support future sustainable development for environmental, social, and economic conditions in connection with the Digital Earth initiative. Most recent 18 months not available. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science -- Strives to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, techniques, approaches, techniques, approaches & experiences in the rapidly growing field of geographical information science. Most recent 18 months not available. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

Journal of Spatial Science -- Covers the theory and practice of the spatial sciences as well as practice and implementation of techniques related to cartography, geodesy, geographic information science, hydrography, photogrammetry, remote sensing or surveying. Most recent 18 months not available. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

Transactions in GIS -- An international journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and short technical notes on the latest advances and best practices in the spatial sciences. Most recent 12 months not available. Includes peer-reviewed articles.

Available freely online
ArcWatch -- GIS news, views, and insights from Esri, a GIS company.

Directions Magazine -- Information about the latest industry developments and geospatial information technology.

GeoConnexion -- News and articles from geotechnology industries in the UK, Europe, Middles East, Africa, North America and Asia. Free access to all online news and articles, as well as the current issues of Geo: International and Geo UK.

GeoInformatics Magazine -- Provides coverage, analysis and commentary with respect to the international surveying, mapping and GIS industry. Subscription to digital magazine is free.

Geospatial World -- Provides insight and analysis of technology trends, applications and business dynamics of GIS, remote sensing, GNSS, Surveying & Mapping, BIM, LiDAR and several upcoming technologies.

Illinois GIS Notes: The Newsletter of the Illinois GIS Association -- Descriptive articles about GIS projects, applications, and activities from around the state, as well as Conference Papers, News, and Calendar of Events.

Sensors & Systems -- Serving organizations and individuals that measure, model and manage the natural world as well as those that design, develop and engineer today’s built infrastructure.

Scoop Geoprocessing -- News about geoprocessing.


Browse a selection of GIS-related books at Booth Library



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