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GIS (Geographic Information System) Resources

Provides library resources for studying GIS, online sources for GIS data, GIS resources available at EIU, and ideas for using GIS in the classroom.

Using GIS in the Classroom

On Using GIS to Teach in the Social Sciences -- Article by Jill Harris, published in Thought & Action (2012).

How to Teach With Google Earth -- Curricular ideas from the Science Education Resource Center.

Google Maps and Google Earth -- From Google, Inc., ideas for teaching across multiple disciplines.

SpatiaLABS -- GIS activities for college students in multiple disciplines. Exercises include guidelines for instructors and students and accompanying data. From Esri, a GIS company.

Open Education Resources
OER Commons -- Sample instructional material, data, and textbooks for the college GIS professor.

MERLOT -- GIS resources for the college classroom.

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