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Psychological Effects of Religious Practice

Finding Books

Use the Library Catalog to find Books and other sources
Selected useful subject terms (topics):

Links go to catalog search results
Buddhism and Psychology

Catholicism and Psychology
Religion and descriptive statistics

Psychology and happiness
Psychology and religion
Psychology and "well being"

Religion and "well being"
Well being


Note: It can be highly effective to combine any two or more of the terms above (or with any other keywords you come up with) in separate subject, topic, or even keyword fields when searching in most databases or the library catalog.

Simple Search Video and Step-by-Step instructions

A Simple Search in the Library Catalog

Getting Started


Go to the library's homepage and select the Books & Movies tab.


select books and movies


Enter your search terms into the Books & Movies tab and click Search.




You will enter the library catalog and can scroll through your results list. You can see the number of results at the top of the page. The catalog displays 10 results at a time. You can Load More Results to continue to browse. In the results list, you can see whether the item is available.




If an item has multiple versions, you can click to see your options.




You can select the version you want. Notice that in the example, one version is Available Online.




To see more information, click on the title.The call number is listed at the top in parentheses as well as a guide to which floor each call number range is on.




You can scroll down and click on locate to see a map of where the book is located in the library.




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