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Peer Review: Is this Article Peer Reviewed?

Use this guide to help determine if the articles you find are "scholarly," "academic," "peer reviewed," or "refereed"

What is a scholarly article?

Scholarly articles are written by academic researchers like your professors, medical researchers, chemists, biologists, and professionals such as nutritionists, engineers, therapists, and others with advanced degrees or professional licenses. There will often be more than one author. The university, company, or institution the authors are affiliated with will usually be listed.

The intended audience for scholarly articles is other researchers and professionals. Expect to see special, unfamiliar terms and words and complex sentence structure. Scholarly articles are generally more than four pages long. In many cases, there will be charts, graphs, or tables in the article representing the research data being analyzed. Almost all scholarly articles will begin with an abstract that gives a summary of the article. Scholarly articles will always cite sources and have a bibliography at the end. Scholarship in the humanities and social sciences also frequently state a theoretical perspective from which they are writing.

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