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Contact an RES Librarian:
David Bell
Steve Brantley
Kirstin Duffin
Michele McDaniel
Amy Odwarka
So you've been asked to write a research paper. What should you write about? Even if your professor's given you a broad subject area to focus on, it can take time to come up with a workable, interesting topic.
Think about subjects that interest you. Since you'll be spending a lot of time exploring your topic and reading articles about it, you'll be more motivated if you choose something that's of personal interest, or if you take an angle on the topic that has some relevance for you.
Subject encyclopedias are reference books with articles that provide background on different facets of a topic. Booth Library has subject encyclopedias available for many different fields.
Browse the tables of contents to get ideas for paper topics, and read through the articles to explore each issue in greater depth. As you're reading, make note of keywords that look useful for finding relevant books and articles later on.
To find subject encyclopedias in print, search the EIU Online Catalog using the words: encyclopedia and [subject].
For example, click these links to do searches on: encyclopedia and global warming and encyclopedia and crime.
To search the full text of hundreds of online subject encyclopedias, search Gale eBooks or the Sage Knowledge Reference Collection. You can also browse the full list of online reference resources and select one specific to your needs. The list below identifies some of the tools Booth offers for general research.
How long will your paper be? How many references do you need? When considering potential topics, make sure it will be manageable and fit your assignment's requirements.
If your topic is too broad, you'll be overwhelmed with articles to choose from, many of which will be conflicting and/or won't be specific enough to the subject you want to investigate.
On the other hand, if your topic is too narrow, there may not be enough material for you to use.
In order to narrow down a broad topic, focus it by looking at a particular perspective, time period, place, population group, or more than one of these.
For example, instead of "body image," consider a more focused aspect of this topic.
- body image and women and television
- body image and teenagers and self-esteem
In order to expand a narrow topic, rework your search to include broader or related concepts.
For example, instead of "genetically modified tomatoes and nutrition," consider:
- genetically modified foods and nutrition
- genetically modified and nutrition
Please ask a librarian if you'd like more assistance!