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Open Access Arrangements with Publishers

How Booth Library is supporting scholarly publishers' Open Access (OA) initiatives.

Current OA arrangements and license agreements

Booth Library has license agreements or other subscription arrangements with the following publishers to support Open Access to their content.  Each arrangement is different. In some cases, they provide extra benefits to EIU users. Open Access (OA) is a set of principles and practices designed to make scholarly materials freely available. Academic libraries promote OA to ensure equitable access to scholarly research, breaking down financial and legal barriers that restrict knowledge sharing. Booth is committed to supporting a more inclusive and collaborative academic environment, advancing innovation and global learning. See also The Keep, the OA archive of the scholarship, creative output and administrative records of Eastern Illinois University.

American Chemical Society
American Institute of Physics
American Physiological Society
American Society for Microbiology
Annual Reviews
Company of Biologists
MIT Press
Project Muse

Click the links above or scroll down for specifics. A selection of the journal publishers below have adopted or are piloting a Subscribe to Open (S2O) approach, a business model developed by Annual Reviews in which libraries' subscription fees are used to make the current year's journals Open Access if a target goal is attained.  In this way, Booth Library's subscriptions are supporting publishers' efforts to make access to scholarship more inclusive and equitable. Research published in OA journals or articles also tends to be more widely read and highly cited. If support for a given year is insufficient, the paywall stays, but subscribing institutions will still retain access. Read more about the S2O Community of Practice.

Subscribe to Open infographic
Infographic source: Annual Reviews, licensed under the CC Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license.

For questions, please contact your Subject Librarian or Sarah Johnson, Head of Collection Management (


American Chemical Society

Submitting corresponding authors associated with an ACS Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI), including EIU, may have the opportunity to publish their research, if accepted, in any ACS journal under a CC BY open access license free of charge. This feature is available thanks to Booth Library's subscription to the ACS All Publications Package of journals. For submission directions, please see ACS-Sponsored Open Access Publishing for PUIs.


American Institute of Physics

Effective in 2024, the AIP has made two journals fully open access through its Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot project. Booth Library's subscription to the Journal of Applied Physics, one of these titles, supports their OA efforts. 

American Physiological Society

APS has moved to the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model for its 10 primary research journals for 2025. For years when APS meets its funding goal, authors don’t pay any article processing charges (APCs) for accepted articles for that subscription year, and those articles will be published open access. Booth Library's subscription to the American Journal of Physiology Consolidated package provides an OA publishing guarantee for corresponding authors at EIU upon acceptance, regardless of whether the individual journals’ subscription targets are met.  A flat fee still applies for accepted articles. See the S2O FAQ for more information.

The AJP Consolidated package contains these 7 journals: AJP-Cell Physiology; AJP-Endocrinology and Metabolism; AJP-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology; AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology; AJP-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology; AJP-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology; and AJP-Renal Physiology.


American Society for Microbiology

Beginning in 2025, the ASM has adopted the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model for its six main research journals: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and Journal of Virology. For authors at subscribing institutions, including EIU, benefits include uncapped publishing in these journals without article processing charges (APCs). Page charge and supplemental material fees still apply, with discounts for subscribers. See their Author FAQ for details.

Annual Reviews

Through Annual Reviews' Subscribe to Open (S2O) model, all volumes of their titles published in 2023 are now open access (future years are pending). In addition, all articles from the most recent nine volumes are accessible to all. Booth Library has subscriptions to the following Annual Reviews titles for 2025: Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; Annual Review of Entomology; Annual Review of Microbiology; and Annual Review of Plant BiologyDue to Booth's subscriptions, EIU users can access these journals' backfiles starting with 1997, when available.

Company of Biologists - for 2025

Corresponding authors at EIU can publish an uncapped number of Open Access research articles, upon acceptance, within the following five journals, courtesy of Booth Library's Read & Publish agreement with the Company of Biologists: the hybrid journals Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology, plus the fully OA journals Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open.  For directions, see the CoB's Guide for Authors. Through this agreement, EIU users can access the full archive of articles from these journals.

MIT Press Direct to Open (D2O) - for 2025

Through this initiative, 80-90 ebooks from the MIT Press each year, since 2022, have been made made available online, free to read by everyone. As an added benefit to Booth Library's support of the Complete Collection, our campus gains access to an archive of over 2,700 MIT Press ebooks across various disciplines that would otherwise be paywalled. Check out the new collection online to download and read the ebooks (look for the green Open Access or Available icons). The ebooks are discoverable through Booth’s online catalog. See more at Direct to Open.

Project Muse

The Project Muse collection of journals in the humanities and social sciences, hosted by Johns Hopkins University Press and published by a range of nonprofit publishers, is another participant in Subscribe to Open. Booth Library subscribes to the Project Muse Standard Collection, of which 59 out of 320 journals are S2O titles. The full S2O list is posted here.

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