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Grief and Loss: Home

Library and EIU resources on grief and loss

In-person Counseling

EIU Counseling Clinic

EIU students experiencing grief are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center. Appointments can be made by calling 217-581-3413

For more information on the Counseling Center, see

Lincolnland Hospice

Lincolnland Hospice of Sarah Bush Lincoln provides free community bereavement services in a wide variety of formats to meet the diverse needs of community members. Services are offered one-on-one and in group and family settings, and is available to all. Below are structured bereavement programs.

Grief Support Groups

For more information about bereavement services, please call Lincolnland Hospice at 1-800-454-4055.

Hopeful Horizons
A grief support group open to anyone who has lost a loved one. It meets from 1- 2:30 pm, third Thursday of each month at Prairie Pavilion 2, at Lincolnland Hospice.

Pathways Through Grief
A grief support group for anyone who has lost a loved one. It meets 7 - 8:30 pm, on the first Wednesday of the month in Prairie Pavilion 2 on the SBL campus. The leader of the group will meet those attending in the lobby of Prairie Pavilion 2. Please wear a mask.

Supporting Children

Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

Health and Nursing Librarian

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Stacey Knight-Davis
3725 Booth Library
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