Mailing Address: Booth Library
Eastern Illinois
600 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920
Federal Documents
Catalog of U. S. Government Publications – Online index to publications of Federal agencies, most of which are available through the Federal Depository Library Program; contains records from July, 1976 and is updated daily.
WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog) - The world’s most comprehensive bibliography containing millions of bibliographic records cataloged by OCLC member libraries. It includes books, websites and internet resources, manuscripts, maps, computer programs, musical scores, films and slides, newspapers, journals and magazines, sound recordings, articles, chapters, papers, and videotapes, and most importantly for current purposes, government documents.
govinfo - Provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the US government, published daily. Search and browse legislative, executive, and judicial content. For help with searching, visit the Government Publishing Office's site for govinfo tutorials. - As the U.S. government's official web portal, makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web.
Library of Congress – Includes the Library of Congress Online Catalog, collections, and research services. – Legislation and member profiles from the 93rd Congress (1973-74) to the present, and access to the Congressional Record, a daily record of proceedings and debates in the US Congress.
Illinois state documents
Eastern Illinois University’s Booth Library is one of twenty-two official Illinois State Depository libraries. All items received for the collection are available for public use, and most are available for checkout. Types of reports received include annual reports and special reports, statistical information, and verbatim debates of the Illinois General Assembly.
Illinois Documents List – Monthly listing of the Illinois government publications received by the Government Documents Unit of the Illinois State Library – Online access to Illinois government websites
Illinois state agencies - List of state agencies with links to their websites
Illinois General Assembly – Laws and legislation of Illinois
Illinois courts - Search for Illinois Supreme Court and Appellate Court opinions