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Civil War Primary Sources

Selected websites for identifying primary sources related to study of the American Civil War, Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865

Slavery & Abolitionism

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938
Contains more than 2,300 first-person narratives of slavery and 500 photographs.

Frederick Douglas Papers
Digitized papers of Frederick Douglas that can be browsed by date and type of document.

North American Slave Narratives
Narratives of fugitive and former slaves in published form before 1920.

Slavery and Abolition in the U.S.: Select Publications of the 1800s
24,000 pages of personal accounts, speeches, legal proceedings and pamphlets that reflect both sides of the issue of slavery.

Slaves and the Courts 1740-1860
Collection of more than 100 pamphlets and books published between 1772 and 1889 that focus on trials, cases, arguments, and proceedings about slavery.

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