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Finding Career Information

A guide to support research about career choices and controversial issues.

Public Persuasion

Before you begin your in-depth research consult a reference resource for basic information to help you learn about your topic.
Listed below are links to some suggested reference tools that will help you identify important people, events, legislation, terminology, and related issues which will, in turn, inform your ongoing research.

Issues and Controversies on File
The Issues and Controversies database provides analyses and explanations of opposing points of view for more than 800 topics. The articles include chronologies, illustrations, maps, tables, sidebars, bibliographies, and more.

     ​​Opposing Viewpoints Series
This is a series of over 160 books in Booth Library’s collection. Each book focuses on a different topic, discusses it in depth, and provides information on both the pro and con aspects. To find them, do a Keyword search in the EIU Online Catalog with the terms “opposing viewpoints series” in quotes.

Contemporary World Issues 
Series of over 130 books on major controversial issues. These are subtitled "a reference handbook" and provide many excellent references to additional reports and research on the topic. 

Several publishers offer book series that address controversial issues and provide access to pro and con arguments.  Click on a link below to see a list of titles in each series available at Booth Library.

At Issue (Greenhaven Press)
Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America
Reference Shelf

Additional online reference tools:
These are searchable collections of electronic reference books, excellent for learning more about your topic and identifying additional references.

Gale EBooks
Electronic reference books across all topics

Reference Books on EBSCOHost 
Search the EBSCO interface for entries in electronic encyclopedias. 

Springer eBooks: Reference Works  
Over 400 reference books on aspects of Science Technology and Medicine

Sage Knowledge E-Reference Collection 
Selected SAGE eBook and eReference content, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more. 

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