Books in Booth Library are shelved by call number. Below is a list of the call number ranges for subjects within the field of History. Browsing for books can help familiarize you with the collection. Books in the stacks are found on the 3rd floor south (main level), and these books can be borrowed with your Panther Card. You can also find History reference books in the reference area on the 3rd floor north.
To find books, browse the shelves in these call numbers for the following subject areas:
D - History (General)
DA - Great Britain
DAW - Central Europe
DB – Austria; Hungary; Czechoslovakia
DC – France
DD - Germany
DE - Greco-Roman World
DF - Greece
DG - Italy; Malta
DH - Benelux Countries
DJ - Netherlands (Holland)
DJK - Eastern Europe (General)
DK – Russia; Soviet Union; Former Soviet Republics; Poland
DL - Northern Europe; Scandinavia
DP - Spain; Portugal
DQ - Switzerland
DR - Balkan Peninsula
DS - Asia
DT - Africa
DU - Oceania (South Seas)