Librarians from the Research Engagement and Scholarship (RES) department are here to help.
Contact an RES Librarian:
David Bell
Steve Brantley
Kirstin Duffin
Michele McDaniel
Amy Odwarka
CQ Researcher provides award winning coverage of the most important issues. Reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and "sidebar" features round out the reports. "Hot Topics" provide a solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.
The Issues and Controversies database provides analyses and explanations of opposing points of view for more than 800 hot topics. The articles include chronologies, illustrations, maps, tables, sidebars, bibliographies, and more.
Opposing Viewpoints Series
This is a series of nearly 250 books in Booth Library’s collection. Each book focuses on a different topic, discusses it in depth, and provides information on both the pro and con aspects. To find them, do a Keyword search in the EIU Online Catalog with the terms "greenhaven press" AND "opposing viewpoints"