UNESCO PEERThese Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) aim to describe all countries’ laws and policies on key themes in education so as to improve the evidence base on the implementation of national education strategies. The profiles are related to the theme of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and are primarily prepared through desk review by the GEM Report team, complemented by commissioned research to add subnational examples for selected countries with complex institutional structures. For all profiles on the website, when they are drafted, countries are invited through their delegation at UNESCO to review and update the information. When this step of the process is complete, it is indicated on the website on the relevant page of the country’s profile with a blue tick.
PEER covers the themes of the GEM reports, including: inclusion in education (2020 GEM Report), non-state actors in education (2021/22 GEM Report), technology in education (2023 GEM Report) and leadership in education (2024/25 GEM Report, forthcoming).