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Evidence Synthesis and Literature Reviews in the Health Sciences

Reviewing existing literature and synthesizing evidence is an important research method. While a full Systematic Review requires time and resources beyond the capabilities of a student, students can produce well-crafted reviews in a systematic manner.


cinahl complete red logo CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Using CINAHL, you are searching 5,400 journal titles. CINAHL also indexes book chapters, nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, and standards of practice. Material indexed dates from 1937 to present.

EIU subscribes to CINAHL Complete. CINAHL Complete includes the full text of 1,400 journals. While many articles are available instantly, some items are only available through interlibrary loan. Use the "Get Full Text" link to check other access options or request an item through interlibrary loan.

Video Tutorial

Basic Searching in CINAHL

CINAHL will automatically suggest synonyms for the key words you enter.

Enter one concept per line and click Search.

"Get Full Text"

"Get Full Text" is a linking service that creates links from Booth Library's databases to the full text of articles and to related sources and services.

  • If a database doesn't give you the full text of an article, the "Get Full Text" button will show you if it's available in another database. 
  • If the article isn't available online, "Get Full Text" will help you locate the journal in the library catalog.
  • If Booth Library doesn't own the journal online or in print, "Get Full Text" will give you the option to retrieve the article via interlibrary loan (ILL).

Limiting Searches

CINAHL offers several limits to reduce the number of articles in your search to match you needs. Commonly applied limits are:

Published Date - Used to limit to recent articles
English Language - Excludes non-English articles
Any author is a Nurse - At least one author is a nurse
Age Groups - Include only articles covering the selected age group


File:Crystal important.svg - WikipediaThe limit for "Full Text" will exclude all articles from you search that are not immediately available. Do not limit to full text for systematic reviews. You will exclude relevant material.

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