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Boolean Bunnies

explains how to use Boolean operators to combine keywords

Boolean Searching

By using the terms AND, OR, and NOT, to link your keywords, you can build more exact searches.


Combining concepts with AND will only give results that contain both concepts.

blue cartoon rabbit with red glasses

Blue AND Glasses


Blue bunnies without glasses, and any glasses-wearing bunnies that aren't blue are excluded.


Combining concepts with OR will produce results that contain either concept.

                Blue cartoon rabbit wearing red glasses

Blue OR Glasses

OR = More Results

This search will find any blue bunny or any color of glasses-wearing bunny.


Combining concepts with NOT will exclude one concept.

                Blue cartoon rabbit wearing red glasses

Glasses NOT Pink

NOT = Word Dropped from Results

This search will find any glasses-wearing bunny, but it excludes any pink bunny.


Combining Concepts You can combine phrases for complex searches. Use "()" to group phrases.

                Blue cartoon rabbit wearing red glasses

(Glasses OR Pink) NOT Green

The computer does this search in two parts. First, any pink bunny or any glasses-wearing bunny is found. Then, all the green glasses-wearing bunnies are excluded. So, you get both pink bunnies and glasses wearing bunnies, but no green bunnies.

More Combining Operators You can group and combine phrases in many ways. Be sure to use "()" to group phrases.

                Blue cartoon rabbit wearing red glasses

(Blue OR Green) AND Glasses

The computer does this search in two parts. First, any blue bunny or any green bunny is found. Then, only the glasses-wearing bunnies are kept. So, you get both blue and green glasses-wearing bunnies.

Word Stems

Use * to find different endings for word


You will find:

Bunny, Bunnies, Bunnicula, and any other word that starts with “Bunn”

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