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HIS 4880: Modern Japan: From Samurai to Freeters

Library Resources

Booth Library has a large collection of learning resources to support the study of the history of Modern Japan by undergraduates, graduates and faculty. The materials are held in the reference collection, the main book holdings, the journal collection and the online full-text databases. Books and journal articles from other libraries may be obtained using interlibrary loan.

Searching the EIU Library Catalog

To find books, ebooks, videos, and other materials held in the library use the EIU Library Catalog

To search the catalog enter your search terms in the search box and search "Library Catalog".

The search results may be narrowed by using the "Tweak your results" limiting tools on the right hand side of the page.

Click on the item title to bring up the detailed bibliographic record. The item's location, call number, and status are needed to find it in Booth Library.

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