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History MA - Library Tutorials

Describes and Links to Several Short Video Tutorials Teaching the Use of Online Library Resources


Booth Library has a large collection of information resources to support the research completed by the Online MA History students. These materials include online full-text databases, electronic journals, the reference collection (print and electronic), and the main book holdings. Journals articles and books from other libraries may be obtained using the library’s interlibrary loan (ILL) service.

These video tutorials are intended to help you use the library collection and services for your research, including locating sources (books, articles, primary sources) and obtaining reference assistance from the librarians.

Video Tutorials

Library Basics

These videos offer an introduction to Booth Library as well as instruction on how to access services and materials. Please review these items to better understand the basics of our library services and how to get things done!.

Booth Library
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Booth Library, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6072 | Ask A Librarian