ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is the leading index for education-related materials. It indexes a wide variety of journals, including those related to Special Education.
To select to search specific journals indexed by ERIC, follow these steps:
1. To enter ERIC, click on this link and click Continue.
2. Click on Indexes above the search boxes.
3. Where it says Browse an Index, select Journal Title.
4. You can then search for specific journal titles by typing their name in the "Browse for" box, or you can look at all indexed titles by leaving the "Browse for" box empty.
5. Select the journal you would like to add to your search and click Add.
6. The journal title will then appear in the search box at the top of the page.
7. Repeat Steps 3-5 to add additional journals.
8. When you have added all the journals you would like to search, type the word AND into the search box followed by your topic.
9. Then click Search.