Librarians from the Research Engagement and Scholarship (RES) department are here to help.
Contact an RES Librarian:
David Bell
Steve Brantley
Kirstin Duffin
Michele McDaniel
Amy Odwarka
Off-Campus Access
Use your EIU NetID and password (same login as for D2L) for remote access to library resources.
Books from Booth Library can be delivered to you by mail.
Distance Education Book Request
Articles will be emailed to you.
Distance Education Article Request
For more information about returning books as well as eligibility for this service, please see the Distance Education Loan Policy.
To renew items, use your I-Share Account
About Your Library Number
Your library ID number is located in the lower right corner of your Panther Card or Student I.D. Card (14 digits beginning with 2 2211 0____ ____).
Another way to find your library number is Library ID Lookup.
For resources that are not available at Booth Library, you may borrow materials from other college and university libraries in Illinois by submitting a request in I-Share.
List of I-Share Libraries and Map
You can also have these materials delivered to any I-Share location by choosing a pick-up library from the dropdown menu when placing your request.
For resources that are not available through I-Share, use an Interlibrary Loan request form.
Items requested through Interlibrary Loan will be shipped to Booth Library by the lending library. We will then mail the item directly to you. ILL items can be returned at any I-Share location.
Items requested through Interlibrary Loan will be shipped to Booth Library by the lending library. We will then mail the item to you, along with an address label for the item's return to the Booth Library ILL Dept.
Please allow enough time for us to ship the item back to the lending library before its due date. You may need to request an extension of the loan period in order to avoid incurring overdue fines.
If you have questions about your library account, call the Circulation Desk at 217-581-6071.
For Interlibrary Loan concerns, call 217-581-6074.