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EDF 4550 - Critical Focus on Education

Finding information about contemporary issues in education

Topic Development

Brainstorm Keywords

Sample Topic 1: book banning in public schools

Keyword 1: Book banning 

Alternatives: censorship, intellectual freedom, book challenge

Keyword 2: Public Schools

elementary, middle school, high school

Additional keywords related to topic to keep in mind: race, gender, religion, specific state or region


Sample Topic 2: how to teach reading in elementary school

Keyword 1: teach reading

Alternative keywords: science of reading, whole language approach, phonics, phonemic awareness, specific reading programs (i.e. Reading Recovery, guided reading, Readers Workshop)

Keyword 2: elementary school: specific grade levels

Additional keywords related to topic: intervention, decoding, explicit instruction


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Topic Development: Sources

Brainstorm: What kind of sources might have information about my topic?

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